Arts Award Blog

Access Fund: Reminder

Written by Alan Lynch | 01 Mar 2016

The closing date for Access Fund applications is this coming Friday, 4 March! If you haven’t submitted yours yet here’s a reminder to get your applications in.

Applications need to be submitted online

Visit and follow the instructions to submit an application using our online system. You’ll find a link to our application page which includes guidance for each question and a mock application form you can use to work on your answers offline.

Make sure that your centre is registered

The Access Fund is only available to registered Arts Award centres – if you haven’t registered a centre then you cannot submit an application. Contact us if you’re having trouble registering. Email or call the helpdesk on 020 7820 6178.

Don’t forget your budget!

Your budget spreadsheet should be attached to any application being submitted. If the figures are unclear or unrealistic then we’re unable to tell how your grant will be spent!

Previous posts

For the last two Access Fund rounds we’ve shared information and tips to support your application, so why not look back on those for some inspiration? They are: