Introducing Good Practice Centres 2017-18
BY: Alan Lynch
02 May 2017
Each year Arts Award centres apply to be selected as Good Practice Centres. Chosen from across all sectors, these centres bring a breadth of experience of delivering Arts Award successfully. In the blog this week we’re introducing the Good Practice Centres for 2017-2018!
What is a Good Practice Centre?
Good Practice Centres share their practice and advocate for Arts Award in their communities, inspiring others to start running the award or to develop their existing practice. They take part in a range of activities throughout the year to do this.
After a very tough selection process, we were able, with much debate and deliberation, to whittle down the many applications we received to just ten. Each of our Good Practice Centres have successfully delivered Arts Award previously, and are keen to support others to do the same!
The Good Practice Centres this year range from schools to arts organisations, and come from almost every corner of the country. We are thrilled to welcome them on board!
Who are the Arts Award Good Practice Centres for 217-18?
Without further ado, the ten Good Practice Centres for 2017-18 are…
- Abbey Catholic Primary School, Birmingham
- St Bede’s and St Joseph’s Catholic College, Bradford
- The Hertfordshire and Essex High School, Bishops Stortford
- Thomas Ashton School, Hyde
- Heads Together, Leeds
- Baby People, Derby
- Resonate, Liverpool’s Music Hub
- Chichester Festival Theatre, Chichester
- Prime Theatre, Swindon
- Carousel, Brighton
Between them they deliver and support Arts Award over all levels, and across a huge range of art forms. We hope that you will find their expertise and delivery models inspiring and useful and we look forward to sharing more about their approaches throughout the year.
What will Good Practice Centres do?
By becoming Good Practice Centres, each of the selected centres have committed to sharing their expertise in a variety of ways. The first of those is a blog or vlog which you will see on this site in the coming months!
As part of their work promoting and advocating for Arts Award, Good Practice Centres will be active locally. They might be featured in local press and media, or they could contact your centre offering opportunities for Advisers to network and share and celebrate their experience with Arts Award. Look out for news of Good Practice Centres’ activities taking place near you – or contact your local centre directly to find out what they have planned and how you can get involved.
We can’t wait to share more from the Good Practice Centres over the coming year. For more information on the Good Practice Centre Programme visit
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BY: Alan Lynch
BY: Alan Lynch
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