Advisers’ work we’re loving this Valentine’s Day ♡

BY: Amy Lee
14 Feb 2025
This Valentine’s Day we’re doing a special shout-out to some Arts Award advisers from our Champion Centres who have gone above and beyond for young people they work with! The below have been nominated by colleagues for their creativity, dedication and unique approaches, which have positively impacted those in their centres. Read on to be inspired by their success…
Ruby Fleming Knowle DGE Academy
'Ruby Flemming is a great adviser! She had students complete their 'Arts Inspiration' for Bronze Part C by learning about their art styles and trying them out themselves. Students used what they had researched from these artist styles to inspire their projects for Bronze Part A, 'Explore the arts as a participant'. This was a great success as students engaged and tried new ideas.'
Craig Tallon Woodcroft Primary School
'He brought Arts Award to Woodcroft a decade ago! In 2014 Woodcroft began its journey to elevate the profile of Music and the Arts within the school and completed our first batch of Bronze Arts Award portfolios in the summer of 2015. Craig's leadership and vision to support and prioritise the arts alongside a dedicated staff has enriched the lives of hundreds of pupils. Pupils at Woodcroft enjoy opportunities to sing in the choir, learn to play the ukulele, access tuition for musical instruments, participate in the school dance team and earn their Bronze Arts Award at the end of Year 6.'
Gill Simmons Brave Bold Drama
'We want to recognise Gill as an outstanding Arts Award Adviser. She has been working with us at three different museums to help us put together a creative, implementable plan for Arts Award Discover, applicable to our three unique sites, and has been personable, creative, resourceful, and encouraging. Thanks to Gill, we’ll each be offering an Arts Award Discover offer this year. Thank you, Gill!' Nominated by Kennet and Avon Canal Trust
Emma Rucastle TramShed Theatre Company
‘Emma has extensive experience in delivering inclusive theatre and has overseen countless successful Arts Award projects at TramShed, across Bronze, Silver and Gold since 2018. Many of the young people who attend TramShed, are excluded from other arts activities, through no fault of their own. Emma ensures that every single individual can access Arts Award and always goes the extra mile to ensure the young people have everything they need to succeed and more. Making equity is just as important as equality. Emma is passionate, dedicated and extremely hard working, and we are very lucky to have her on board the Tram!'
Kim Hutchinson Arty Artisans
'She is an Arts Award adviser for Bronze, Silver and Gold. Her delivery of these awards to her home educated students both online and in person are always individualised, creative and expressive. Kim has a fantastic approach and is committed to planning and delivering personalised and individualised sessions for all her students. She understands the needs of her students which is evident by their enthusiasm - they enjoy and look forward to her sessions every week!'
Beth Dilworth Formby High School
'Beth is an amazing adviser. She inspires our students with their arts practice ensuring wonderful debates to inspire the Gold Arts issue essay in Gold Unit 1 and she is always making time for each student to talk to her about their arts practice.'
Elaine Friend The King's School, Worcester
'Elaine joined our Arts Award team more recently and has really made an impact with our Bronze Arts Award pupils. Elaine actually teaches Business Studies at our school but can really see the value in the arts and clearly wants to help share this with our pupils. Her passion towards Arts Award is inspiring, especially as this is not her subject speciality. It is so nice to see her appreciate the arts and help encourage our youngest pupils to do so too.'
Juliet Fisher Malvern St James Girls' School
'Juliet Fisher, our Head of Expressive Arts and Drama, is a real champion of Arts Award here at Malvern St James Girls' School. She has worked on delivering Arts Award for a number of years, always looking for innovative ways to give our pupils exciting arts experiences and ensuring that their responses to these are of the highest quality. All of this she manages with good humour and her own clear passion for the arts.'
Marinela Caldarus Art Classes Group
'She helps children develop their creativity and achieve Arts Award qualifications. In 2024, she supported over 100 children, with nearly 30 being entered for Arts Award. She connects young people with higher education and national organisations, expanding their artistic opportunities. She is developing visual arts books for children, making learning more engaging and accessible. She offers volunteering and work experience, helping young people gain confidence and skills. Last year, she supported over 80 volunteers. Her dedication and leadership inspire young artists, educators, and the arts community.'
Jess Price St. Bede's Catholic Middle School
'Jess is our new subject co-ordinator for Art and is only in her third year teaching but is already building such a great arts culture in our school and our feeder schools! She regularly houses art experience days for schools to come and experience indoor and outdoor Art workshops, as part of our transition work between schools but also towards achieving them their Discover Arts Award. In our school, she is re-working the art curriculum to be ambitious and relevant, including Bronze Arts Award opportunities for all of Year 8. She has raised the profile of Catholic art around our school and even shown some of our pupils' work in a local gallery.'
Sarah Best St. Bede's Catholic Middle School
'Sarah is also in her third year teaching and our new music co-ordinator. She has created opportunities for first school pupils to come and be a part of our school production of 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat', contributing to their arts experiences for their Discover Arts Award. Sarah also arranges our pupils performing in world-renowned venues such as the Royal Albert Hall and local theatres, as well as at school, care homes and the Alexander Hospital. She delivers Bronze Arts Award through timetabled music lessons to all of Year 8 and makes the curriculum fun and exciting. She is currently focused on raising the profile of singing across the school and leads weekly singing sessions to whole key stages (300+ pupils). She is a huge part of our current Artsmark application in the hope of achieving Artsmark Platinum status.'
Congratulations to these advisers for their inspiring work ♡!
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