How our School Resource Pack can help you
BY: Nicola King
22 Nov 2021
Building on our existing support for schools who are delivering Arts Award we are delighted to share our refreshed and improved School Resource Pack, available to download for free from our adviser hub.
Whether you are just beginning your Arts Award journey, starting to deliver again after a break, or looking to develop your existing offer, the School Resource Pack is designed to take you through the Arts Award process from beginning to end, answering all of your questions along the way. Here’s how the pack can help you:
- Getting started can sometimes be the trickiest part and so the resource pack contains a wealth of ideas, support, and guidance for all levels including appropriate art forms, planning for effective delivery, embedding Arts Award into cross-curricular work, and specific advice on how to approach different Parts of the awards.
- It’s likely that some of the existing arts provision in your school can be adapted to fit within the Arts Award framework. This can include workshops, one-off projects, youth opportunities, partnerships, after-school clubs, school productions, curriculum work and volunteer placements. To help you identify what arts activities are already on offer in your school, and how to incorporate them into your plan for delivering Arts Award, you will find mapping documents for Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
- Running Arts Award with a large group, whether a whole class or a whole year group, is an ideal way to build a whole-school culture of engagement in the arts. It can help to raise the profile of arts subjects, engage additional members of staff, and can offer some cost-benefits, but you may find the idea of large group delivery a little daunting. In the resource pack you will find suggested approaches, examples of delivery methods, and our tips to ensure your large group delivery is a success. You will also find some suggestions for how you can integrate your delivery across more than one level of Arts Award, helping you to build seamless progression through the levels of Arts Award.
- One of the exciting things about Arts Award is that young people can create an arts log or portfolio to demonstrate what they’ve learnt in any format — including 2D, 3D, digital, written, visual, and audio (or a mixture of all of the above!). However, this many options may leave some advisers wondering what will work best for their young people, so we have included tips and ideas for evidencing Arts Award.
- You may find the process of entering young people for Arts Award a little unclear, so we have broken this down explaining everything from how to assess your portfolios, completing the enrolment and marks spreadsheet, to how to prepare for a moderation if your centre is selected.
- Arts Award has a huge range of resources and case studies, as well as partnerships with arts organisations and our Arts Award Supporter network, so we have made sure to signpost you to useful resources and links throughout to inspire your Arts Award delivery.
- Whether you want to embed Arts Award in your school, create a sustainable delivery model or find a more efficient way of structuring evidence collection or assessing work, we have included a delivery development template. This will help you to reflect on your own delivery, identify areas for development and plan for how to action them, ensuring the long-term success of your Arts Award programme.
We hope that you find this resource useful, if you have any questions about your delivery, the Arts Award team can be reached at our helpdesk on 020 7820 6178, or by emailing artsawardenquiries@trinitycollege.co.uk.
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