Arts Award â Chwricwlwm y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol yng Nghymru- Arts Award and the Expressive Arts Curriculum in Wales
BY: Nicola King
14 Jun 2021
Wrth i ysgolion ddechrau cynllunio ar gyfer Cwricwlwm newydd Cymru, roeddem am dynnu sylw at sut y gall Arts Award ffitio o fewn eich cynlluniau.
As schools begin planning for the new Curriculum for Wales, we wanted to highlight how Arts Award can fit within your plans.
Er mwyn archwilio'r cysylltiadau rhwng y ddau rydym wedi creu adnodd newydd sbon, rhad ac am ddim Arts Award a Chwricwlwm y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol, sydd ar gael i'w lawrlwytho o'n hwb cynghorwyr yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Nod yr adnodd hwn yw arddangos sut y gall Arts Award gefnogi amcanion allweddol cwricwlwm y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol o ymgysylltu, cymell ac annog dysgwyr i ddatblygu eu sgiliau creadigol, artistig a pherfformio'n llawn, gan ymdrin ag ystod o ddisgyblaethau celf, dawns, drama, ffilm, y cyfryngau digidol, a cherddoriaeth.
Mae’r adnodd hefyd yn amlinellu sut mae Arts Award yn cysylltu â phedwar diben y cwricwlwm newydd a sut y gall alinio â maes y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol. Er enghraifft;
- Trwy archwilio gwaith artistiaid a sefydliadau celfyddydol eraill, ac adolygu digwyddiadau celfyddydol, gall pobl ifanc ddatblygu gwerthfawrogiad o draddodiadau celfyddydol a diwylliannol Cymru yn ogystal â diwylliannau a thraddodiadau eraill.
- Drwy ddarparu prosiect arwain y celfyddydau, mae pobl ifanc yn datblygu sgiliau megis cynllunio ac adolygu, meddwl yn feirniadol a datrys problemau, yn ogystal â rheoli amser a bodloni terfynau amser, a fydd yn caniatáu iddynt ddatblygu’r ‘sgiliau hanfodol’ a nodwyd yn y cwricwlwm newydd.
- Trwy bob lefel o Arts Award, gofynnir i bobl ifanc fyfyrio ar yr hyn y maent wedi'i ddysgu, rhannu eu gwybodaeth a'u sgiliau, a cheisio adborth gan eraill, gan ganiatáu iddynt 'ymateb a myfyrio, fel artist a chynulleidfa' sy'n rhan sylfaenol o ddysgu yn y celfyddydau mynegiannol.
- Trwy’r ffurfiau celf eang y mae Arts Award yn eu cwmpasu, mae cyfle i ymgorffori Arts Award ar draws meysydd pwnc, gan ganiatáu i ddysgwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau trawsgwricwlaidd - llythrennedd, rhifedd a chymhwysedd digidol.
- Trwy ddatblygu sgiliau hyder, cyfathrebu ac arwain, gall Arts Award gefnogi datblygiad ‘unigolion iach, hyderus, sy’n barod i fyw bywydau boddhaus fel aelodau gwerthfawr o gymdeithas’.
Yn ogystal â'r adnodd hwn mae gennym bellach templedi ar gyfer datblygu portffolio ar gyfer lefel Darganfod, Archwilio, Efydd, Arian ac Aur ar gael yn Gymraeg, gan gefnogi'r ysgolion hynny sy'n dymuno cyflwyno eu portffolios i'w safoni yn y Gymraeg. Mae’r templedi Cymraeg ar gael ar yr hwb cynghorwyr.
Gobeithiwn y bydd yr adnodd hwn yn ddefnyddiol i chi, os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dysgu mwy am Arts Award a’r Celfyddydau Mynegiannol cofrestrwch ar gyfer ein gweminar ar ddydd Mercher 30 Mehefin am 4pm.
To explore the links between the two we have created a brand new, free resource Arts Award and the Expressive Arts Curriculum, available to download from our adviser hub in both English and Welsh. This resource aims to demonstrate how Arts Award can support the Expressive Arts curriculum’s key objectives of engaging, motivating and encouraging learners to develop their creative, artistic and performance skills, covering a range of disciplines including art, dance, drama, film and digital media and music
The resource also outlines how Arts Award connects to the four purposes of the new curriculum and how it can align with the Expressive Arts Area. For example;
- Through exploring the work of other artists and arts organisations, and reviewing arts events, young people can develop an appreciation of the arts and cultural traditions of Wales as well as other cultures and traditions.
- Through delivering an arts leadership project young people develop skills such as planning and review, critical thinking and problem solving, as well as managing time and meeting deadlines, allowing them to develop the ‘integral skills’ identified in the new curriculum.
- Throughout each level of Arts Award, young people are asked to reflect on what they have learnt, to share their knowledge and skills, and to seek feedback from others, allowing them to ‘respond and reflect, both as artist and audience’ which is a fundamental part of learning in the expressive arts.
- Through the broad range art forms of that Arts Award embraces, there is opportunity to embed Arts Award across subject areas, allowing learners to develop their cross-curricular skills – literacy, numeracy and digital competency.
- Through the development of confidence, communication and leadership skills, Arts Award can support the ‘development of healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society’.
As well as this resource we now also have portfolios building templates for Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold available in Welsh, supporting those schools who wish to enter their portfolios for moderation in the Welsh language. You can find our Welsh language templates on the adviser hub.
We hope that you find this resource useful, if you are interested in learning more about Arts Award and the Expressive Arts register for our webinar on Wednesday 30th June at 4pm.
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BY: Nicola King
BY: Guest Writer
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