Getting Summer Ready!

BY: Judy McFall
27 Apr 2023
As we head into the lighter evenings and the call of summertime is near, children and young people will soon be breaking up for their summer holidays – but fear not – we have some ideas for holiday club activities that could support individuals or groups of young people to potentially achieve an Arts Award along the way!
If your organisation has access to outside spaces then why not encourage your group to take part in arts and crafts activities in the great outdoors. If you’re heading into the woods, then why not use twigs, flowers and stems or grasses to do some nature weaving. Or get inspired by Andy Goldsworthy and create your own 3D nature sculptures using rocks, stones, leaves and sticks - check out one of our partner organisations, Art UK, who have some great resources to get you inspired. If you’re based along the coastline, then why not create sand paintings by simply using a stick as your paintbrush, or go 3D and create sand sculptures; get inspired by some of these creations. Perhaps you prefer open fields or summer meadows, then why not use plants or vegetation such as dandelions or raspberries to create your own colourful ink palette and paint your own natural picture onto stone or wood. All of these activities could count towards Part A of Discover, Explore or Bronze.
Young people could create their own creative trail of arts and cultural organisations in their local area or even create a map of their own home. Go on a walk and explore your environment! Either draw or photograph to capture all the creative art forms you spot along the way. Maybe give your group a disposable camera to take photos of their day and enjoy the anticipation of collecting your printed photos to see the creative results – even use them to make a collage!
If you are planning a trip to a local cultural organisation then maybe you could pick up a Discover trail or go on an Explore journey at some of our Arts Award Supporter organisations which include museums, galleries, libraries and heritage venues – many are free to visit! There are many activities available within some of these organisations such as the Summer Reading Challenge in libraries or Kids in Museums at various museum sites.
Maybe you’re stuck for what to do for older young people? Perhaps they could look at volunteering opportunities, in particular to meet their Unit 1 Part D for Silver. Have a look at the Arts Award Supporter organisations to see the different arts and cultural organisations you could approach in your local area. They could support artist’s workshops with younger children, help out backstage in a theatre or be a tour guide in a gallery or museum. Check out this volunteering website to find out what else is going on in your local area… remember, some of their volunteering placements can also count towards their Duke of Edinburgh award!
Check out the government’s Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme happening across various local authorities, offering lots of different creative arts activities - contact your local authority to find out what’s going on in your area. There are also plenty of Summer Schools to choose from, for different ages across the country, including fashion, creative writing and musical theatre – there’s so much to choose from!
Children’s University also have lots of activities you can do at home or online within arts, culture and music. They have a long list of website links to activities such as interactive gallery and museum tours, draw along with Nick Sharratt and lunch doodles for kids. They have many downloadable activity sheets, puzzles and games to keep the young ones entertained.
We hope this helps keep you busy for the summer and we look forward to seeing lots of creative practice and hopefully awards!
Photo from Pexels.com by Cottonbro Studio
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