How to enter Arts Award's photography competition
BY: Cathy Thornhill
05 May 2021
This spring, we launched our first photography competition. Open to both young people and advisers, this is an opportunity for centres to showcase the full range of creative and diverse activities they deliver as part of their Arts Award, and offers the chance to be featured in Arts Award’s national materials at the same time as winning some vouchers to support your centre.
If you or your group are interested in getting involved in Arts Award’s photography competition, here’s a quick guide to the eight steps you’ll need to complete in order to submit an entry:
1) Read the photography competition brief which gives details of the sort of photos we’d like, and also the technical specifications for submitted photos.
2) Find or take a fantastic photo that meets the competition brief (up to five photos may be entered per adviser and up to three by each young person).
3) Decide on the category for each photo (there are five available to choose from: Music; dance; drama/theatre; visual arts/craft; digital art/mixed or other artforms).
4) Download the relevant photo permission forms and get these completed by everyone visible in your photo(s), or their parent/carer if under 16.
5) Create a supporting document which identifies everyone visible in the photo (this enables us to match up the permission forms).
6) For young entrants (aged under 18) ask their parent/carers to sign the consent form to give their approval to enter the competition.
7) Have a read of the competition Terms and Conditions.
8) When you have everything ready, submit your entry via the relevant online form before the deadline of Sunday 13 June. There is one form for advisers and another for young people.
Once your entry has been submitted, sit back and wait to hear whether you’re a winner! The prizes are:
5 x category winners – £100 worth of Amazon vouchers (for their school or organisation)
10 x special mentions – £50 worth of Amazon vouchers (for their school or organisation)
5 x category winners – £30 worth of Amazon vouchers (for personal use)
Full details are available on the competition webpage:
We look forward to receiving your entries!
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