Flexible evidence gathering for Bronze Arts Award and music
BY: Annabel Thomas
22 Feb 2021
This year continues to bring challenges for many advisers and the young people you work with and we are, as ever, keen to make your creative journeys as easy and enjoyable as possible. Which is why we are really excited to launch our first editable – and completely free – interactive Bronze portfolio template!
Having listened to the challenges faced by many teachers, practitioners and advisers of all backgrounds over the past few months, what became clear to us is that an interactive portfolio template that could live on a cloud storage system would be needed. This will help young people to have something that is easy to access and save on a range of devices, whether they are in school or face to face settings for sessions – or if prolonged stretches of time at home continue to be required or logging on to complete homework We also hope that this format will allow advisers to easily check on progress and provide remote support. If these portfolios are also saved to a cloud storage system such as Google Classroom this means you are also already set up for remote online moderation – saving you time when it comes to submit this work.
This portfolio template has been designed to focus on young people completing a music focussed Arts Award, but watch this space for further developments and more generic versions.
Young people can fill in their template as they go – each of the boxes expand so they can write as much as they wish. They can also paste in URLs to other blogs or online tools they may be using, such as online photo albums or a link to an Arts Award Voice review. Throughout the template there are helpful hints and tips for young people, so they know what they need to do if they aren’t in as regular contact with their adviser as usual. We also recommend signposting them to the Bronze Hub on Arts Award Voice for more guidance.
Young people can tick off each part as they complete this, and we have included a progress bar and overall checklist at the end to make sure they are guided through the process.
You can access the template here (please note you may need to click this link twice), and our further support resource on Bronze Arts Award and Music here
We hope that this will be a useful tool for advisers and young people and we look forward to seeing the first Arts Awards moderated using this template. If you do use this template and have any feedback please let us know.
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