Bronze & Gold Hubs from Arts Award Voice

BY: Guest Writer
27 Mar 2017
This week we're focusing on Bronze and Gold, with details of Arts Award Voice's Bronze and Gold hubs. Bhavesh from Arts Award Voice tells us more, including some of the ways the hubs can support young people working on Bronze and Gold!
Hello! I’m Bhav, the Arts Award Editor and Media Editor for Arts Award Voice. I got to this position after doing my Bronze with my local youth arts organisation, Peshkar, in Oldham when I was 17. From there I joined the Arts Award Youth Network and I helped to found the online magazine for young people doing Arts Award - Arts Award Voice
I’m now 22 and have a film and TV degree to my name, and for the past four years I’ve worked with the Voice Team. This time last year, I was co-ordinating the Gold Hub project on Voice, which formed the leadership element of my own Gold Arts Award! I’m proud to say that we’ve seen over 1500 visitors to Gold Hub since last April and it’s being well used. Now I’m excited to launch Bronze Hub too.
These hubs are aimed directly at young people taking their awards. Each hub offers an informal explanation of each unit or part with lots of ideas and examples related to that part. We have gathered successful portfolios, case studies and ‘how-to’ articles written by other young people. As well as being a great resource to share with the young people you are working with we hope the hubs will be useful to advisers as well, offering you rich resources you can use to support your delivery.
It’s always inspiring and useful to look at previous achievers’ portfolios and hear about their experiences of doing their awards. Do take a look and send your young people over. Let me know if we can feature your centre or a young person you have worked with and if there’s anything else you’d like to see in the hubs. You can reach the Voice Hubs from the Arts Award tab on the top navigation menu of the Arts Award Voice homepage.
The best part of my job is sourcing and putting out new material to help young people doing their awards. I also draw on the Arts Award Youth Network to write how-to guides and other advice based on their own experience. I love to get feedback and to be able to make the changes that users ask for.
I really, truly hope these Voice Hubs are useful and popular and that young people use them as staple support in achieving their Arts Awards. I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Bhavesh Jadva, Arts Award Editor
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